News / 16.04.2019
World CoHousing + CLT Tour
I am off and away on an international tour.
Experiencing other cities, landscapes and communities, in
Auckland, Wellington, Tuaranga, Queenstown, Christchurch: April-May, Portland: early June, and Dublin: mid-June.
Reflecting on our planet's social and ecological crises and
emerging hopeful initiatives, including networks of resistance, as well as
constructive projects like Community Land Trusts and CoHousing.
Experiencing other cities, landscapes and communities, in
Auckland, Wellington, Tuaranga, Queenstown, Christchurch: April-May, Portland: early June, and Dublin: mid-June.
Reflecting on our planet's social and ecological crises and
emerging hopeful initiatives, including networks of resistance, as well as
constructive projects like Community Land Trusts and CoHousing.